Friday, 31 August 2012

I like toast and jam

I have had the song Bread and Butter by The Newbeats in my head this week and I have no idea why but it seems a fitting tittle to grab some of the lyrics as the heading of this post.

So I am yet to go ahead and make my own jam, we will put this down to the fact we don't have any fruit of our own yet and also take into account the lazziness factor. So you can imagine my delight when I found homemade jam for sale at the local Salvo's and all for the argin price of $1 a jar. It is made by local ladies and donated to the salvos so that money made goes back into the community. What a great simple idea, one I am happy to endulge in, and the jam tastes great.

I have been playing around with the idea of joining the CWA, to be honest I am not sure what happens at the meetings and I am not sure if my age, the fact I can't knit or sew and the fact I like to think I am an OK cook but I am certainly not a great baker (though this is something I want to work on), there is also a bit of nervousness about turning up to a meeting where I will know no one and I am not sure if I will fit in. Then there is the dreading time factor of trying to fit this around a job where I work shifts. Just something for me to think about.

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