Sunday, 14 October 2012

Chickens - New coop progress and RSPCA #hensdeservebetter

I love when the weather is like this, its not hold, its not cold, its just right. You are able to do housework and yard work without freezing and without boiling.
Work on the new chicken coop is progressing. Originally the free second hand shed came with two sliding door that didn't work, my very handy husband Kyle has instead created a metal frame to have a swinging door that works, this will be easier for me to get into the coop to collect the eggs, feed the flock and clean the coop out.
I am on the hunt for laying box designs, we have some thick ply board we want to use. I will have a look on the net to see what will suit our girls best and then pass the plans onto Kyle. The girls still continue to want to lay in the same spot at the same time, I am hoping once we have some newly suited nesting boxes they will take to them, knowing my luck though they are likely to ignore the purpose built boxes, just as they tend to ignore the bucked I set up for them to lay their eggs in now.
The RSPCA have a website and they are encouraging people to upload their Instagram photos of their happy free range hens with the #hensdeservebetter. I have added a few but am having issues with uploading to Instagram but I will continue persisting. My username on Instagram is stacester if anyone is interested or search for #hensdeservebetter to see all the chook photos. I am glad to see I am not the only crazy chicken lady.

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